The Lynchburg Office of Economic Development has updated the James River Arts & Cultural District Program to streamline and strengthen the application process and review procedures, effective January 2015.
Changes include new application deadlines three times per year (March 1, August 1 and December 1), submission of a standard final report, and measurement against the newly adopted City of Lynchburg Arts & Culture pillar.
The Office of Economic Development is also calling for a standing Advisory Panel that will review program submissions. The panel will be appointed for three-year terms, meet three times per year to review applications, and represent a cross-section of the District and arts communities. Panelists will be appointed based on their expertise in the arts, business, and history as well as their ability to work with others and their willingness to devote the time required to review applications.
Visit Local Initiatives to learn more and download the Program Guidelines and Application (expand the James River Arts & Cultural Program tab to view documents).
If you are interested in serving on the Advisory Committee, please review the Advisory Panel Guidelines and then complete and return an Advisory Panel application to the Office of Economic Development.